Sunday, August 10, 2014

Van Gogh studies.

Crayon Resust watercolors
Students in a 2 day painting class last week. Smfinished this one on Friday.
Also do a Picasso study on Monday . I posted it already.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

These are all the work of Travis Hotz.

Travis is 18 years old and is a very skilled autistic artist.
He works really hard at achieving what he sees me do. He tries really hard to work at the things he learns from me on his own but it will take a good bit of repetitiveness before total recall is triggered.
I love being with the young man and watching his brain work.

A a 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Travis Hotz's

These are two of Travis's watercolor that he did with my this afternoon.
An amazing young man whom I'm enjoying working with very much.
The flower is 7x9 inches
And the snow scene is 11x15 inches.
Please share his work with all you can.
He would love your feedback.
Travis is austistic and love to express himself in his art.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Plaster sculpture

Three pieces of sculpture from my 2-4 graders at the EFAI today.
Will finish painting them next week.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Here is the finished acrylic "Roosters"

Done by my 2-4th grade home schoolers at the EFAI today
Please comments about their work. They are so deserving and appreciative.
Thank you.

"Which came first the chicken or the egg?"

This is the finished pieces done by my 2-4th grade homeschool students at the EFAI.
They also finished one other we started earlier.
They do get to see your comments.
They are appreciated and encouraged.
18x24 mixed media, acrylics and watercolors. 
Please share their work with your FB friends
Thank you.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


These are 8 x10 acrylic paintings done byy 2-4th grade home  schoolers today at the EFAI.
These pieces will be decorated to the hilt with lines and tecture. During the next session.
Please share my students

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

8 design painting being resolved today

These pieces are all in the final resolve stages.
The students will take what they've learned during about 8 classroom hours and push each piece to its max.
Please watch for the final pieces.
I will post each as the students finished them.
I do hope you enjoy.

Student B's design paintings.

These 4 are all the same drawing, each emphasizing color. Texture, shape Nd line.
Lease share their work.